New President

Single Audio-CD and DVD

New President

'New President' released by Mira Sound Germany, as single Audio-CD & DVD presents Michel Montecrossa's great message song for Barack Obama.

Michel Montecrossa on 'New President' and Barack Obama:
"I wrote and composed the song 'New President' as an inspiration to be truthful, to bring peace and unity of all mankind. I have sent this song to Barack Obama who liked it and was thankful for getting it. Barack Obama answered to Michel Montecrossa on 25th October 2008:
'Keep on moving with your saving message.'

Barack Obama is the hope that the American Dream comes back again for the best of all – the true American Dream of liberty and happiness in a world of unlimited possibilities. He can bring a new outlook to politics for a better future.
The CD & DVD of the song 'New President' is available from
In the song 'New President' the key-message is:
'New President, New Power, New Action, New Intentions and I hope for sure: new also the direction.
Don't be another President but be the true President telling truth, bringing peace, working for World-Union on this earth.'"

Michel Montecrossa's message for Radio AFN (American Forces Network) on 5th November 2008:
"With Obama as president the dream is on its way again. Let us all make the best of it – now the world can be changed."

29.10.2008 - La PreAlpina 01.11.2008 - La Stampa

New President, New Power, New Action, New Intentions and I hope for sure: new also the direction.
New President in our country, new President in another country, new President in any country, new President – who is that?
One President there is almost no-one knows. Looking after all the things human and more.
New President wherever you are, new President, whoever you are: take the lead, show the way of the One I mentioned.
Don't be another fool believing himself to be someone without really knowing the One: Don't be such a fool.
Don't be another president but be the true President telling Truth, bringing Peace, working for World-Union on this Earth.
New President, New Power, New Action, New Intentions and I hope for sure: new also the direction.

– Michel Montecrossa (© Mira Sound Germany)

Disc One (Single Audio-CD): 'New President'

Disc Two (DVD): 'New President'

Click here for all Michel Montecrossa Pressinfos.

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