Michel Montecrossa & Diana Antara 'Aufruhr'

'Aufruhr' - Diana Antara's teenage CD together with Michel Montecrossa. 12 german teenage power & sensitivity songs, released by Mira Sound Germany
'Aufruhr' presents 12 hot cyberpunk-rock songs of revolution and emotion including ten great original Diana Antara songs cowritten with Michel Montecrossa like 'Aufruhr', 'Zombies Überall', 'Es Ist Zum Kotzen' and 'Strahl Der Hoffnung' and two bonus tracks with Michel Montecrossa pure: 'An Der Langen Strasse' und 'Kommt Wieder Ihr Menschen'
'Aufruhr' is young power, direct, questioning, independent, vulnerable, angry, hopeful, strong and loving.