Michel Montecrossa's 'Cool On The Other Side Acoustic Concert'

'Cool On The Other Side', released by Mira Sound Germany, is the great musical journey into Michel Montecrossa's rich field of intensity ballads and the art of pure acoustic solo-performance, including 12 fascinating songs like 'Cool On The Other Side' and 'Punk Kid'.
• Michel Montecrossa reveals through his melodies and lyrics the profound depth and expressiveness as well as the timeless quality of insight and experience characteristic for his acoustic solo performances.
"A song," Michel Montecrossa says "is no song unless you can sing it alone with your soul and voice and guitar before the whole world. Only if it is like that you may also sing it together with a wild band or a mega-orchestra. But the real songs are great with just a voice and a straight guitar. Tunes that need big fiddle-farting to give them something like an existence are just a bluff, not really there."
'Cool On The Other Side' is a masterexample for Michel Montecrossa's super creative spring, his rich treasure of songs, his journey of consciousness and powerful inspirations which every lover of the feeling of life native to the heart of an independent man will enjoy.