'Festival Of Light'
Michel Montecrossa's Christmas Concert 2001

'Festival Of Light' - Michel Montecrossa's Christmas Concert 2001 presents 12 beautiful worldpeace songs, including two German songs ('Weltfrieden' and 'Freundschaft ist Groovy') and the symphonic video 'The Perfect Way'.
'Festival Of Light' presents not only Michel Montecrossa's sovereign art of songwriting and power of expression but also the masterful beauty of his symphonic music and art of filmmaking with the Music-Video 'The Perfect Way'.
The Video visualizes the overture of Michel Montecrossa's modern classical symphony 'The Perfect Way' together with words of Mira Alfassa about the expansion of consciousness for a happier life.
'Festival Of Light' expresses the universal meaning of christmas as the birth of light, love and peace on earth - values which are meaningful to every human being and the basis of true progress for a better future.