Michel Montecrossa's Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2003
6 CD-Box with 5 Audio-CDs & 1 DVD

The Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2003 released by Mira Sound Germany is the most outstanding and fascinating presentation of 50 Bob Dylan songs, 1 Robbie Robertson song and 48 Michel Montecrossa songs, instrumentals and videos.
The Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2003 features new Michel Montecrossa songs like the Disco-Hits 'Girly Hip Hip' and 'Cybershamana' or Reality Rocker songs like 'Knockin' About' and 'Please Look Out Your Window' and presents rare and unreleased Bob Dylan songs like 'Fur Slippers' and 'Let's Keep It Between Us' together with early Bob Dylan songs like 'Corrina, Corrina' and 'George Jackson' plus recent songs like 'Cross The Green Mountain' and 'Cold Irons Bound'.
The Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2003 includes the DVD of Michel Montecrossa's 21st century overground musical 'Living The Experience', the stunning free cinema expression of non-conformity, creative abundance, transcendental joy and the triumph of love and beauty over dehumanizing massimprisonment in illusions and unconsciousness.
'Living The Experience' contains eighteen Michel Montecrossa songs and instrumentals including the masterful symphony 'The Perfect Way'.
The Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2003 is the sovereign presentation of Michel Montecrossa's genius of original songwriting and his art of performing Bob Dylan songs as well as songs of artists sung by Bob Dylan like Gordon Lightfood and Kris Kristofferson. 'Broken Arrow' a song by Robbie Robertson, who for many years played guitar during Bob Dylan concerts and on Bob Dylan Albums, too is part of the Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2003.
The Michel & Bob Dylan Fest 2003 is the outstanding experience of four days of stunning music and film art of two of the most important artists of the 21st century.