Sunray Revolution Concert
Double Audio-CD and Double DVD

Michel Montecrossa's great cyberrock & slam poetry opening concert 'Sunray Revolution' for his 'Peace & Climate Change Concert Tour' released by Mira Sound Germany on double Audio-CD and double DVD presents live 29 Michel Montecrossa super songs that make you listen. Included are incredible topical songs like 'This World Is My World', 'Sunray Revolution', 'Changing World', 'Sun And Peace', 'Voice Of Peace', 'Shall We Go To War Again?', 'Something's Crushin' In' and 'Green Earth'. Mirakali and Diana Antara contribute powerful songs like 'Ready For A Change?' and 'World Of Love'.
GIANNI MONGRANDI: "To sing for peace and to combat global warming - is this primarily meant to be an information or do you mean that music can activate higher energies? In fact all cultures know the form of the prayer-chant."
MICHEL MONTECROSSA: "Me and my musicians are convinced that music can move higher energies. To sing for peace and combat global warming is for me a deepest inner need that I share with a growing number of the human family all over the world. I am singing for all of them and for a better future. My songs are not merely information. They are message and call to cooperate for saving the earth of all of us and in this sense they are also a prayer-chant."
GIANNI MONGRANDI: "You have created Cyber Rock as a new music style. What can you say about Cyber Rock?"
MICHEL MONTECROSSA: "Cyber Rock is the fusion of Electronica and Guitar Power Rock with a healthy dose of Nu-Romance, Dance Drive and Metal and Slam Poetry Songlyrics, expressing everything that is moving us today."
GIANNI MONGRANDI: "Do you think that music can change the world?"
MICHEL MONTECROSSA: "I'm convinced that music can change the world if it commands the necessary intelligence and inspiring quality."