The Invisible Wall
A Slam Poetry Earth and Peace Musical
Michel Montecrossa's great slam poetry earth and peace musical. 'The Invisible Wall' is an orphic story looking through the many symbols and events of life to the reality behind.
'The Invisible Wall' tells the story of the Travelin' Man who for some time has a job as king. Later he drops the job and experiences an existential revolution. It is the door to the reality of love and a new birth in consciousness.
'The Invisible Wall' is poetic music-cinema telling the story in a multidimensional way. Various roles express themselves through changing persons, thus creating a web of awareness reversals. Through this interactive play and journey of vision, poetry and music a virtual body appears which gives the clue to the deeper sense of reality: The sense of love bridging all divides, the sense of coming home, the sense of the true embrace that lasts forever.