'End All Your Wars'
Michel Montecrossa all time message songs


End All Your Wars

'End All Your Wars' released by Mira Sound Germany, presents 20 deeply touching Worldpeace songs by Michel Montecrossa, including two german songs and the interpretation of a Johnny Cash song.

Since 11th September 2001 Michel Montecrossa is tirelessly working with his band The Chosen Few on new and meaningful productions as a powerful and heartfelt music answer in times of terror and war.

The American and International Radio Feedbacks are expressed in the words: "Many thanks to the band and the company for permanent good music showing the band's participation at the worldwide changes."

Michel Montecrossa says: "As a songwriter and performing artist it is my duty to do the best I can for helping to ease the pain, suffering and fear through positive and intelligent songs. 'End All Your Wars' as well as the other recent productions 'Festival Of Light', 'Song Of Love', 'Weltpolitik' and 'New Message' form a body of work addressed to an audience that wants to listen, wants to find a way through the dark tunnel, wants to love and look forward."

'End All Your Wars' presents 20 Worldpeace songs including Michel Montecrossa's all time message songs 'End All Your Wars' and the touching 'Soft Skin' as well as two german songs: 'Frieden Lacht' and 'Wahre Liebe'. As bonus track Michel Montecrossa masterfully performs the Johnny Cash song 'Man In Black'.

Michel Montecrossa says: "The twenty songs of 'End All Your Wars' are arranged to create a coherent atmosphere of intelligent, mature and kindhearted feelings which are profound but not complicated; feelings that make it easy to follow the story. The songs of 'End All Your Wars' are no kiddin' stuff, no cheap entertainment. They are prepared to make a stand, they don't hold back, they don't hide or pretend. They look forward and give hope, they are on the side of love and happiness.
The twenty songs are an all time message for everybody. In a way the first ten songs have a certain grown up flair, the emotion of insight which comes through life experience. The other ten songs are turning more to the young: the one's with fresh enthusiasm, the one's who begin to discover their ideal, who feel the love, who try to understand what was and what will be, who want to know who they are, into what world they are born and what is their mission.
The CD comes along with a booklet including all songlyrics and guitar-chords so that we can sing together the tunes of love and peace."

The Songs: 'End All Your Wars', 'Man In Black', 'As The Battle Came To An End', 'Ballad Of Lost Dreams', 'Next Time When We'll Meet', 'Frieden Lacht', 'If All Of Us Would Know The Truth', 'Good Song', 'Festival Of Light', 'Embrace', 'Come With Me, Ye Singers', 'Me And My Woman', 'Talkin' Caesar Rock', 'Talkin' Napoleon Rock', 'Augustus Blues', 'Children's Glory', 'Wahre Liebe', 'Everyone Needs Beauty', 'Soft Skin', 'This World Is My World, This World Is Your World'

Click here for all Michel Montecrossa Pressinfos.

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